Friday, August 24, 2012

Kyoto international climate protection in the wind???

Kyoto international climate protection in the wind???

Canada and China withdrew and the United States of America did not sign the original treaty, Russia and Japan announce that they would not sign the extension of the treaty does Kyoto treaty became international climate protection on paper? Is the Kyoto Treaty will remain the only international solution to climate change?

Said Canadian Environment Minister "Peter Kent" told reporters in Ottawa: "As we have said, Kyoto for Canada is something of the past We use our legal right to withdraw formally from the Kyoto treaty." The announcement of Kent after marathon talks on climate concluded a few days ago in the coastal city of Durban in South Africa. Thus Canada, a major energy producer in the world, the first country to announce its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol.
And has justified the Canadian Environment Minister his country's decision that: "the Kyoto Protocol does not include the two Sahpti greatest emissions, namely China and the United States of America, and therefore ineffective. Has become clear by now that the" Kyoto treaty "is not the right way for the solution of international climate change but an obstacle. "
But does the withdrawal of Canada is the only loss of that treaty? This has led Canada's withdrawal from the treaty to another slap to the Kyoto Protocol, which had already been weakened and expire in December / December 2012. Along with a hint of Canada and Russia and Japan that it would not sign the extension of this Treaty. Experts said that Canada, withdrawing before the end of the year, will avoid penalties for failure to meet its commitments to reduce binding greenhouse gas emissions.
He also added Canadian Environment Minister "Kent": Meeting the Kyoto Protocol targets for 2012 would be equivalent to either prevent the functioning all cars, ambulances and police vehicles of all types on the roads Canadian or close the agricultural sector completely and cut heating for all homes, offices, hospitals, factories, and buildings in Canada. " The Kent at the same time that Canada is making "tremendous progress" toward reducing carbon dioxide by 17 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels, a goal is voluntary and signed after the United States by announcing a similar commitment. said that Canada would like to see new agreement includes legally binding commitments for major countries responsible for emissions.

We have accepted all the countries Canada's decision this sharp criticism but the criticism started from within Canada itself Opposition parties have accused the Canadian Environmental Minister of spreading the spirit of fear among the people .. At the international level, spokesman Chinese Foreign Ministry, "Liu Weimin," in an interview, saying: "It is unfortunate and contrary to the international community's efforts to withdraw Canada from the Kyoto Protocol at a time made it a meeting Durban significant progress to ensure a second phase of commitment to the Protocol, expressing hope to play Canada responsibilities, duties and continue to observe its commitments and adopt a positive and constructive towards participation in international cooperation to respond to climate change. also considered the German government on the San German Environment Minister that Canadian decision was not surprising, and I have asked the German Green Party to take action against this decision. as expert called party green on energy matters "Hans Joseph Fil" to boycott oil supplies Canadian form fields that is extracted from significant damage to the environment. On the other hand described the Minister of the Environment of Japan, "Joshi Hosono" Canadian decision Palmasv urged Canada to continue in the Convention, saying that the framework Kyoto includes "important elements" that could help in the fight against climate change. also said an Indian official said Canada's decision could jeopardize losing any gains in meeting Durban. As "Greenpeace" active in the field of environmental protection describing Canadian decision "insulting political to the international community. "
And will remain controversy existed between the countries of the world and among the signatories to the Kyoto Treaty and between and among the signatories between supporters and opponents and will continue to address the problem of climate change in the wind??

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